Dingle in the Morning

Dingle in the Morning

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Silver Spring Fashion Show

Since I am in update mode here is a glimpse of the most recent Silver Spring African Fashion show. The show featured several designers and included a jewelry line that was nice and funky.


While hiking around Palmyra we saw a LOT of frogs...mostly cute

As you may know I had the opportunity to go home and spend some time with family and friends recently. I didn't document how things have changed or do any in depth research. I just visited some of the places that I spent time in growing up. When I go back in the fall I am hoping to vist some of the places that my Mom spent time in as she is interested in seeing how it has changed. She was told that the field by her childhood house is now condos....so much for progress.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

corinne and kids at the fair

The girls weren't the only ones taking pictures at the fair. I was able to hold onto my camera long enough to hopefully show a good idea of what was going on.

Binta and Nabelle photograph the fair

This is the girls first time going to the fair. They are 4 and 6 and are interested in everything. Lately they have taken an interest in my camera. While usually maintaining a firm grip on the strap I let them take as many pictures as the would like and have discovered the world look much different from their point of view. Although I havent posted any of them here, Binta tends to take a lot of pictures of people. So I end up with photos of strangers on my camera. Pretty soon I will need to get them their own cameras.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The crowd is gathered, the President who was supposed to arrive at 830PM, doesnt arrive until almost 1030. Supporters and other government officials happily chat and wait. After his arrival the Ivorian Ambassador gives him a warm intorduction. Once the President takes the podium, his message is of unity, the desire to bring peace to a country that has seen two civil wars in the 50 years since its creation in 1960. Then he thanks his supporters and is on his way. The next stops-the world bank in NY then back to DC to meet with Presdent Obama.

The Ivorian President comes to DC July 2011

Although the interview I was supposed to photograph was cancelled, I was able to get some nice pictures of the President as he greeted about two hundred supporters that gathered from several states including South Carolina and New Jersey.

I was able to finish the book of photographs for Hiedi and her family. I used a new publisher, and although I am not really happy with the book the quality is nice. Now I just have to put something that I like....

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sunrise ceremony

Recently I was able to go to Arizona and witness an Apache sunrise ceremony. It is a young woman's coming of age ceremony. It is a cross between a spiritual celebration and a test of endurance and strength of will. The young girls who begin the 4 day event definitely are strong young women when they finish. Supported by family, friends, and community they are pushed to new limits and hopefully emerge with the knowledge that they are physically and mentally stronger then they realized, that the support they have will be there in the future and that they now know where to find that inner strength to face any of life's challenges.
Never having been tested like that I do not know how I would have done. I would like to think I would have been able to make it. Heidi, the young lady above, should definitely be proud of herself. I am very impressed by her and wouldn't be surprised to see her do amazing thing in her future.