Dingle in the Morning

Dingle in the Morning

Sunday, June 19, 2016

So, I was going to continue my wander around town and tell you a little more about the wonderful architecture here, but we had storm at sunset the other night and thought I would share that instead.  I had just finished a meet and greet for the lead singer of the GooGoo Dolls, only to walk out of work to live music in the park and a storm brewing.  Enjoy

Friday, June 17, 2016

Looking Up I

As many of you may know I love looking up.  I find some of the most amazing things in my city that way.  It makes me wonder how many people actauly look up at the artwork around them.  There are a few building here in Milwaukee that have their stonework all the way to the ground floor, and so capture your attention more so, then the ones that only have their cornices in place.  But if you're wandering downtown here are some of the things you may spy on your travels


Saturday, June 11, 2016

Flowers of Summer

West Allis

So I while ago I said I would do a wander around my neighborhood.
Here it is....
Like most areas of Milwaukee my little neighborhood is fraught with road construction.
 But it has managed to maintian the hometown charm from the firehouse to the statue in front of the public library
 This is the Alexander Eschwiler building I mentioned earlier.  He did a series of service stations (gas stations)  The building stands as a historic site with a diorama inside but never actually open to the public.

I live near some railroad tracks and at night they are pretty busy, but during the day not too bad.
Kind of makes me think of "Stand by Me," that movie with River Phoenix, from the 80's where the kids walk down the railroad tracks and come across a crime...so far no crime here 

And like most places I've lived I have a large visual landmark to help me find my way home if I get lost.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Milwaukee Memorial Day Parade

 So earlier I mentioned that Wisconsin parades have a thing for motorcycles.  This is the start of the parade in Milwaukee

 I couldn't quite figure out why this guy was in the parade...or if it really was the dog I was supposed to know.  There was no sign on the car and I don't know.

 There were several nice tributes to the service people.  Its hard some time to tell if everyone or anyone appreciates what all the signs and flags stand for, but I for one was paying attention.
Until Desert Storm the only service people I knew where those that had come home.

These guys stopped several times to do tumbling routines...it was pretty impressive espcially when they did it even going up hill towards the museum.

And of course the parade ended with more motorcycles...

West Allis Memorial Day Parade

This Memorial Day I had the opportunity to attend the West Allis Memorial Day Parade.  It showed once again there are some unique things about parades in Wisconsin.  All parades may start with the fire trucks, but here in Wisconsin they are almost always followed by motorcycles.

 Coming from the School of Music I have an ongoing respect for the kids in the marching band.  Not all of them were enthusiastic, but on a day that grew sunnier and warmer by the minute they did a great job.
 I loved this guys glasses
Middle school and community bands played fun patriotic selections
This parade featured probably the most well known product from West Allis, the Allis Chalmers tractors.

 And of course, honored representatives from all the service branches